The Wait
It’s been 7 days, 17 hours and 15 minutes since I had my embryo transfer (not that I’m counting or anything). I thought it would be good to share how I’ve been feeling, even if it’s just a reminder to myself someday. In a way, my blog has kinda become my diary…except instead of keeping those intimate thoughts and feelings to myself, I share them with the world. (Yikes!) The embryo transfer on June 30th was so seamless that I started off the week with a lot of hope. The day after the transfer I was super tired, so I barely did anything. I was fortunate to had already made plans…
Reflections Before My Embryo Transfer
As I sit here and think about my upcoming embryo transfer tomorrow, I can’t help but reflect on where I’ve been. I think that’s why I’ve come to love writing so much…in order to tell a good story, you must reflect. And usually, the story begins long before you think it does. My journey with infertility really began on August 10th, 2019. That was the beautiful, sunny day in Waterloo, Iowa when Rob and I were married. We were both 38 years old when we got married, so we figured there was no point in wasting time…we started trying for a baby right away. We assumed it could be a challenge…
IVF Update: Round 4, Part 2
Hi friends! I looked back at the last time I provided an IVF update, and it was February 20th, 2022. I’m sure most (all) of you didn’t lay awake at night wondering what is going on with my IVF journey, but I apologize for just leaving you hanging. You know how life gets, right? So, to catch you all up for those who I don’t get the opportunity to talk with in person…. We got 4 embryos from our last egg retrieval in February (I talked about it in this blog post). One was normal (yay!). One was abnormal, so it was immediately discarded. And then 2 were considered mosaic…
My Year-Long Journey
February 18th, 2021 (The day after my 40th birthday): I will never forget that day. My husband and I were in Sedona, Arizona to celebrate my 40th birthday. We had just spent the previous day (my birthday) doing all the things I love: hiking (or more like walking on a trail, lol), drinking coffee, winery hopping, exploring places we’d never been, seeing beautiful scenery, shopping for art, eating delicious food. My heart was full. We were anxiously waiting on the results from our genetic testing, but we felt pretty positive about it. We had 3 embryos getting tested, so we thought for sure we would at least get one “normal” (euploid) embryo. …
What I Want You to Know About IVF…
There’s a reason why women (and men) don’t talk about IVF when we are going through it. It’s the most emotional and unpredictable thing you can ever do in your life. You are managing a lot of emotions of your own every day (…anticipation, excitement, fear…), so it feels overwhelming to take on anyone else’s emotions or hear the disappointment in their tone when we share bad news. So we stay silent….maybe forever…or maybe until that little baby is finally born. I was fortunate to know someone who went through IVF before me and was able to talk to her several times before I started IVF for the 1st time. I remember…
Life Update: 12.6.21
It feels a little foreign to me to type words on my keyboard with the intention of writing a blog post. It’s been awhile. And the thing is, I don’t really know why it’s been so long. Well, that’s not entirely true I guess. I do know I needed a break from it. There was a moment a couple months ago when I stopped enjoying it and started focusing on things that weren’t important. I felt like I always had to put myself on social media because that’s what “they” say you need to do if you want people to see your blog. The problem was it wasn’t necessarily who…
Infertility=Grief Part 2
I remember so vividly one summer day in 2013 (one year after my Dad passed away), I was walking down a street in Edina, Minnesota heading to my favorite store, Anthropologie. I was in town briefly on my way up to our family’s cabin in Northern Minnesota. I slowly walked by a restaurant I had eaten at with my parents a couple years prior, remembering that dinner with them. All of a sudden out of nowhere, I couldn’t catch my breath and began crying. Just the simple act of walking by that restaurant reminded me that my Dad was gone forever. He wasn’t coming back. I thought I had already…
Go to Napa.
One of my best girlfriends has been trying to plan a girl’s trip to Napa for years. She finally booked it for last August and then Covid happened, which caused her to cancel. She has always invited me to join, but each year she was planning it, there was something going on in my life which forced me to say no. Two years ago I was getting married…last year we were in the midst of trying to get pregnant and about to start IVF….and then this year she asked again and my answer felt different. After my last failed IVF cycle in February, I decided that I was going to change…
Don’t Feel Sorry for Me.
I started questioning myself yesterday after I shared my emotions about starting the IVF process again on social media. Am I sharing too much personal information with people I don’t know? Am I putting myself out there to be criticized? Then I remembered….I stopped caring what other people thought of me about 6 years ago. You see, I’ve been through quite a few tough times (I know I keep saying it, but it’s true). One of the most significantly traumatic times I’ve been through (yes, there are still others you don’t know about) was when I went through a really bad episode of my Grave’s Disease. It was so bad that…
The Effects of IVF on Your Mental Health
I’m an early riser. There is nothing I love more than to wake up at 5am (ish), make my coffee and have quiet time in the house to do whatever I want. I could spend hours searching for random things on the Internet like organization ideas (I love organizing!), photography tips or anything and everything on Anthroplogie’s website, and I don’t care because it’s my time. Ever since I received the bad news about my most recent IVF cycle, I haven’t had the desire to wake up in the mornings. I could just sleep and sleep forever. (It would be better if my dogs weren’t so dang needy, then I…